Domestic Violence- agony
Sounds familiar right? common issue? Well, when the childhood itself was unstable, rather in doldrums then only the bitter memories and events get imbibed to a great extent. That age when other children are playing happily, without a sigh of grim and fear on their face and you just feel like breaking everything and joining them is close to impossible. The child is not at fault. Mother seems to act happy but then the kid does sense ill odor around. The child is still trying to perceive and digest what exactly is happening on a regular basis. Living amidst shouts, tantrums, anxiety and some unknown fear which in a later stage has almost reached a threshold…. answer is unknown.
The child hears these verbal hurls on a regular basis being thrown at his mothers face. No fault of his or mother. He lacks interest in his hobbies which he loved like anything. That feeling of lacking and emptiness is all around. Devoid of social circle, it sounds quite alarming. Wants to move out but no opportunities in his areas of interest and always a no-go.
Patience seems to be running out and thoughts of running away grow more stronger as days pass. Yet, waiting for another day just for some positive news. It is a situation wherein there lies a cliff ahead and well behind him.